Es fácil vivir
Es fácil aferrarse
Fácil la dentición
Fácil replegarse
Fácil escuchar
Fácil el amor.
Respuestas fáciles a preguntas fáciles.
Tropezar es fácil
La muñeca es fácil
Fácil rugir
Fácil caer:me levanto con un amor fácil
Me levanto con preguntas fáciles.
14 comentarios:
to easy, huh?.
did you ever stop and think that all surround you is so simple but at the same time is so hard to understand?
now I am in that place…
i see all things clearly,
but i can't understand
why some things happened in certain way…
Some times i want to just forget everything
but then i received a message
a strange one
that don't let me forget
don't let me go through…
to move on…
but it is becoming more insignificant
as the time pass by
is something that is going to pass
and i know that it will…
meanwhile i was thinking
if all was real
or just the world doing my command…
"my will I am"…
mmm i guess i dont have any idea whhat r u talking about.
but is easy to let that go i guess
hahahaha don't worry man… i was just talking XD…
jejeje glad to have that thought in my blog
mmm i sent u a song to ur mail, i hope u to hear it, let me know, and btw i wanna have a word with u sometime more like a dinamic conversation... i would be fine and interesting
yeah i heard the song but i want to heard it again to give a judgment… well i have to see how i can talk to you… but i don't know if i'll be interesting because i'm a boring person for regular people XD… sometimes a freak HAHAHAHA
mmmm maybe, is just that u show ur self in a very weird way, not in the bad way, for example u told me that i should write happier stuff, and then when i show u this last post, u kind of disagree with it, obviously the word "easy" didnt got u well
well the post is not that happy… XD but i just pay attention to the title… in that moment i was with a dilemma, so i wrote.
yeah i'm weird!!! and i like it XD is so fun! and that confuse people…
and thanks… that was a compliment…yahooooo
si diria que si es algo feliz, fijate q toma os aspectos fundamentales para poder tener una vida plancentera, y asumo que la mayoria de las personas necesitan esos aspecto nombrados, de ahi me tomo como si es feliz; mmmm hay dos cosas que me han llamado la atencion de tu forma de expresarte a traves de los ultimos post; fijate que de alguna u otra forma la figura que tienes en tus comentarios, se han ido como distorcionando; apareces en este ultimo como algo distante de lo que me imagine con el primer comentario lo que asumo se refiere a una personalidad de melancolia o simplemente recuperandote de algo bastante fuerte(ni se quien eres, pero al escribir es casi inevitable formar una imagen).en cuanto te refieres al dilema, mmm diria que eso en mi pensar, es solo cuando no sabes la salida correcta a algo y controlas cada aspecto del mismo,cuando te expresas dices conocer la salida y como terminara todo; asi que asumo que tienes dos salidas, la primera seria comunicarle a la persona que te da tu "dilema" lo que piensas y como lo ves, y seguramente el te dira como salir de alli; claro si eso no es posible, creo que tienes lo necesario para no tomarlo como el todo que piensas;
no creo que existan personas raras, y las mayoria de las veces que alguien se autodenomina asi, no lo es... supongo que la cociencia del estado ya descarta que lo seas. ademas la mayoria de las veces se nos denominan con superfluos adjetivos, pero nosotros no deberiamos ser capaces de notarlo; si tenemos esa conciencia es por una baja autoestima, ya sea de forma constante o simplemente por el mismo hecho(que quizas es el mismo que el anterior).supongo que disfrutas que te vean asi, y cuando proclamas lo alegre que eso te coloca, no puedes evitar aceptarlo; pero repito creo que es por la misma razon(se). supongo que no crees estar listo para aceptar lo que acarrea las relaciones interpersonales.
muchas veces no creo en estas casillas pero si digo que existen personas con comportamientos que me han afectado de formas bastante particulares y lo que hacen es darme ganas de llorar y correr por no entender porque no preguntan algo que esta cerca de su boca.digo que hacen bastante daño.
la huida esta a la esquina y muchas veces es mas facil imaginar, pero no suponer por hecho
claro solo estoy adivinando no pretendo nada...
So… let me see…yeah i was in a bad position with someone that i believed, was special; in some way i still do… but the case is not the wound that i have, or a dilemma produce directly by that person (you know go back or let it extinguish); is actually a more mystic manner.
let me explain myself… some months ago i was thinking about my life and what I want to be in it. So, i was creating a story in my mind, about to find a person that i can be relative in that way…then i kind of made a wish… no!, i made a command that i wanted to find that person and have a relationship… but my desire was to have something short, meaningless… only to have the experience i wanted to live.
I thought almost every detail. The time it was going to last, how I going to do this or that and the things i wanted to happen before it ended. But never thought about how it going to end… it wasn't important
One day i met a person, and i started a relationship. Was cool at the beginning, awesome, I had an experience that i never stop to consider if was the right time for it, it seems so perfect…
then the disaster! the drama came to the play… is a character now, and don't want to go away… I tried so hard to put all behind and move on with that person… make it work and be patience… And when something is meant to end, there's nothing you can do about it, no matter how hard you want it to work…but, when everything was impossible to handle… i exploited and finished with all…
yeah, was a time that i wanted to go back. Maybe because is something new, an unknown situation. But then i realized that all i could receive of that, i already received, and there was nothing else…
so, i was great… living my life happy again…with peace…all was right, all was beautiful and sexy… men!! life was smiling at me and i smiled back…
then something curious happened, i received a message from that person… nothing meaningful… but put that person again in my mind, and I remembered all i lived in that time… all thoughts were running in my head…around and around… an then POW!! it hit me like a sweet revelation…
I remembered that day that i create the story. I remembered the details. And what i lived with that person, was almost and exact copy of my thoughts… WHAT THA HELL!!!
so… it was all real, or the universe doing my command?… thats my dilemma… curious huh?
in respond of what you told me… I do believe that everyone is a weirdo!!. If you stop and think how different each person is, and how all the identities and actions and experiences… They are all different… and is insane!! how you can have such a subtle characteristic, and that make an other person…
There is nothing that define a weirdo. There is not a pattern that you have to follow to become one.
in this society a weirdo is someone that is different of the masses. Sometimes, is someone that don't follow others like a sheep, that want to do something else, or want to fit in a club where everyone else is like "this" and that person is like "that"…
But when something is rare, freak, weird, we just saying is different…
so yeah, i am a freak, i am a weirdo, and i like it!! because i'm different than you, him, her, Pepito, william, ana, cleopatra, miyagi…
the problem is that the people don't accept themselves as they are… They are always looking for someone's approval… to find someone alike… to be accepted by a group of strangers.
when i say that being weird is awesome 'cause that confuses people… is because is true… know and accept that you are different that everyone else, enjoy it, and don't have plans to be a copy of an "alpha-human"; is something most people can't handle nor understand, so, they are confuse by that.
awesome!!! just AWESOME!!!
so being a weirdo is not a bad thing… is a fact… XD i think XD
well that's it
and i liked your comment! a long one btw XD
and is cool to see differents points of view
ntiendo lo de diferencias y basicamente lo he escrito es dos blogs, no me referia a eso. solo de la autopercepcion que tenemos, y con eso me referia a la forma en q te definias, mas nunca critique o dije algo con su razon de existir. solo me referia a la raiz de todo...pero gracias igual hablamos luego...
well is what you think is all about…
you know my thought… and the ruth of how people show themselves is personal and depends of lots and lots of circumstances… and in my case (personal) you are a lil' bit far away of your analysis…
if you want to explain yourself better or something go ahead… but for now… is a mmmm romantic idea of how everything is what it is…
jejeje right:p
cool dude
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