Podría estar equivocado
Podría estar equivocado
Podría haber jurado que ví una luz acercándose(TU)sombrea
Solía pensar
Solía pensarque ya no había futuro
Solía pensar:hay que empezar de nuevo, comenzar otra vez
Bajemos hasta la cascada
Divirtámonos un rato
No es nada
Nada en absoluto
¿qué haría?¿qué haría?
...¿que haría si no te tuviera?
Abreme y dejame entrar
Bajemos a la cascada
Divirtámonos un rato
...En absoluto.
16 comentarios:
porque una tarde escucharas la voz de los desesperados y empezaras de nuevo a deambular, a caminar sin rumbo hacia tu verdadero límite
hacia ti...
I might be wrong
I might be wrong
I could have sworn
I saw a light coming on
I used to think
I used to think
There is no future left at all
I used to think
Open up, begin again
Lets go down the waterfall
Think about the good times
And never look back
Never look back
What would I do?
What would I do?
If I did not have you?
Open up, let me in
Lets go down the waterfall
Have ourselves a good time
Its nothing at all
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
is a good theme…
i´m glad you like it…
by the way
to whom is all your writting?
is kind of sad…
no… is really sad…
do u really wanna know to whom?, i hope u can read this, cuz i tried to write u in ur own blog, but u dont have one, i dont know to whom , but i can tell i might be wrong... answer it plzz
do u really wanna know to whom?, i hope u can read this, cuz i tried to write u in ur own blog, but u dont have one, i dont know to whom , but i can tell i might be wrong... answer it plzz
i don´t know men, is just curiosity. You always seems to talk to somebody, and i wanted to know to whom. Nothing special…
you might be wrong about what? what you are writting?. write whatever you want, in the end is your blog, is your decision. you can choose what to put here
and if you tell me that you don´t know to whom you are writting all that stuff, you can´t be wrong about any thing, just because is nothing there. is nothing that can tell that you are misteken
they are thoughts and i belive, thoughts are just thoughts, neither good nor bad if they don´t have a clear target, and again if it were written to nobody, what mistake have you done?
i don´t know if i answer with logic, or any sence…
well is just a thought
ok, u know about this stuff, and u really made me answer with the truth, i write about everyone in my life that came to me, and then left me there alone, i have to get every person together in my mind and write to everyone of them, sometimes i feel sad about someone special that was in my life, or someone that i really care about, and write stuff that i want them to know. is the last case i just want a girl to know that i might be wrong about her, but i want her to be here, but without all the problems we had. to me every line has logic with the others around it. so i write to someone every time, and i might be wrong cuz i write stuff the way i saw it, so my thoughts have to be right or pretty close to the right... i liked your comments dont stop writing jejeje its been a while sice someone confronts me this way and trust me i will write u back with logic
well men…
what can i say?… i´m´glad that you like my coment, and i don´t mind to write some time… so you haven´t listen all i gonna say hahahaha
about that girl you talk about… i know i´m not your friend or anything but, if you think is worthy, take a chance and tell her (belive me chics like that hahaha) is always better to do something that wait to happen…
that´s all men… so i write when i write… so long
jejeje i got it, but she kind of hates me so, i cant get close to her, the last time i saw she almost ran away like the radioheads song creep, besides sometimes i get her out of my head, so i can write about other stuff, nice to meet u, so come around anytime u want, alway will be a new post to read... btw ur name is?
dude… i don´t want to give my name… is kind of personal hahaha you can call me zazaraza or zatara or "the god of all times"… but my real name, i want to keep it to myself…
and wow! you are in deep shit if she hates you hahaha well… it be what it ment to be
see you bro…
jejeje i least i think she does hate me, so... jejeje i dont wanna talk about it anymore, jejeje she just walked away from me so... thats it, hey dont u have a blog so i can read your stuff, u look like a good writer and dont worry about ur name, it was a simple question so put a name on your coments...
the only think i ask… not to put something interesting in 1million of lines… short and simple… just what i like hahahaha
thats all
jejeje i get it...thanks anyway
well men… i don´t have a blog… and in this moment i´m not interesting in one… maybe sometime a made it and when it happens i show it to you…
and this page it have a lots of coments don´t you think… take for the example your other stuff… yah people enjoy a public discution!!!!!!!!!!!
ja!so follow me there... u can read the new cuz, ima guessing here, u can read spanish, so i would like to hear ur oppinions on the other new stuff
yes i understand spanish… is a complex language but is fun… have all this details… just great… hey look at this we are chating now… men that freaky!!! party on!!!!!! all right i read the new stuff and if i have something to say… i will say it…
jeje great...see ya
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